“Argh. I hate this #@!!% thing!”
If you spend many hours, perhaps all day, working at the computer, you may know this feeling. Often, it’s not just what’s happening on the screen that upsets us.
Computers can be a challenge / curse to our bodies.
Maybe you get absorbed in what you’re doing in front of the screen and find yourself with a backache, neck, shoulder, or arm pain… no wonder you end up feeling irritated with it!
Picture this:
It’s nearly Noon and you’ve been at your desk for hours. Only thing is you haven’t realized it! You were so absorbed in this latest project… you’ve hardly moved an inch.
When your colleague stops by to see if you want lunch, you blink, look up, and go to stand up… and that’s when your back goes into spasm.
And on top of that surprise surprise, you’re in a crabby mood and not good company.
Does this situation sound familiar?
If it’s not your back it’s your arms and shoulders. Either way there is help.
Just by simply taking the time to pay attention to how you feel, helps you feel better. (and easier to be around, too).
So here are some simple steps you can do to help you feel better:
1. When you sit down at the computer to start your project, set a timer for one hour.
2. When the timer rings stop what you’re doing and take your hands away from the keyboard. Notice your butt on the chair and the feeling in your body.
3. Breathe in and out slowly two or three times, imagining that your bones are supporting you.
4. Get up and walk for five minutes. This could be across the floor, up and down the stairs, just walk. Notice as you walk the feeling in your body and remember to breathe.
Doesn’t that feel better?
When you’re physically more comfortable your focus of attention is clearer and you’re able to work better.
Plus, the added bonus: when you have lunch with your colleague you won’t be in pain, be able to relax and more fun to be around.
So is the computer a curse?
Not if we take care of ourselves and pay attention. But don’t just take my word for it. Try it for yourself.
I’ve been having chronicle lower back pain (serious stenosis.) And, about four months ago I suffered from a stroke. I have not lost the physical ability but I’ve lost some cognitive functions. My back pain has gotten worse since the stroke. I’m even considering spine surgery now. I want to know if I would benefit from the Feldenkreis Method. I’d appreciate your advice. Thank you.
Yes from what you’ve shared, I think you would benefit from the Feldenkrais Method. The individual treatment sessions would be the way to start given your situation of stroke and back pain. But it we would be best to have a 15 min phone consultation with me so I can have more clarity about your situation to see it this work is right for you. Please feel free to contact me using the form on my website and we can schedule a call. http://www.umovebetter.com/contact/