How did I get mixed up in this crazy Feldenkrais world? Do you ever ask yourself that? Well, ok, you’re not mixed up in it like I am and its not exactly crazy.
The Magic of Feldenkrais
That’s why I stay at it all these years. It’s the magic of it.
Years and years ago I sprained my neck and shoulder swimming. My friend had been studying it. She and I danced together in the same company. She suggested I go and get Functional Integration sessions. I began to feel better and better. Then I graduated to Awareness Through Movement classes. I got hooked. It made me feel great in a deep way and it fascinated me too.
It’s the magic that keeps me going. Doing less and getting more. Always paring it down to what’s comfortable, what’s enough for me not somebody else. Always learning. Societally we’re wired to do more to get more – so much to unlearn and then to learn.
How Do You Feel?
Students (and I) get up from the floor after a lesson (or table for FI) and say, “ I feel wonderful and I hardly did anything”. Seems illogical but it’s not.
Feldenkrais is psychological and physical. It forms new neural pathways in our brain making us smarter physically and mentally. It makes us more aware of our body, how we feel in space.
But you have to do it. The more you do it the better you get and then just doing a refresher can bring about even more benefits more Aha then when you started.
I once complained to my BFF and colleague that after 38 years I was bored. She said, you have to do it to remember. So I got down on the floor and did one of my class audio lessons and when I finished and got up I felt amazing. So good. I didn’t even know I didn’t feel good or that wonderful existed. I just was. The Ahh of being in a body that moves smoothly. Like being in another world. Another body.
Do you know that expression “wherever you go there you are”? Well if that’s the case I’d much rather be in a body that feels wonderful if it’s gonna follow me around everywhere.
Remember there’s magic inside you, in your mind body connection. Be gentle with yourself. Feel your bones supporting you. Take a breath.
Discover/rediscover the magic of Feldenkrais! Sign up for a class or a hands-on session.
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