Are you tired of chronic pain interfering with your life?
You’ve injured yourself, your back “went out” or some other part of you. And all of a sudden you’re in pain or it happened gradually so you couldn’t stand it any more and maybe literally couldn’t stand. This may be the first time but chances are this has happened before. You’re fine one day and you resume your active life feeling more or less like your old self. And then it happens again.
Is it possible to get rid of the pain and not have it happen again?
You’ve consulted doctors, gone for physical therapy, and taken pain medication. You may have tried chiropractic and massage. Some of this gave you relief for a while but then you slipped back into pain.
You want to be active again and be yourself, be there for your family, friends. For heaven’s sake this is your life. Pain is a constant deterrent and a big reminder that something is not right with you.
Why aren’t the standard approaches working?
The reason why you may not have gotten more lasting relief from your pain is because you’re not getting to the underlying cause, which may be your unconscious patterns of movement.
By tuning into how you move in a focused and conscious way you start to change how you move. This leaves your body the freedom to regain pain-free movement.
I want to help you get out of pain and stay out so you can get back to your life in a vibrant way.
I’ve been there.
I understand pain, I’ve embodied it, I know it well, it’s beyond horrible and crummy. Years ago I injured my neck and shoulder swimming. I was miserable. A friend referred me to a Feldenkrais Practitioner. In a series of sessions she helped me heal from pain and I learned why I injured myself in the first place. (In my case it was too much isolation of my shoulders and not using my whole body). This not only helped my swimming but helped me in all my physical activity and daily life.
The work that I do uses hands-on gentle touch and manipulation that connects with your nervous system and the plasticity of your brain (that’s your brilliance, your innate ability to heal). I’ll uncover what you’re doing that’s causing you pain and you’ll learn new pain-free ways of moving. In this way you develop an innate awareness of how you move so you don’t injure again or if you do, you know how to get yourself from going down the slippery slope of pain.
Introducing Functional Integration ®
6 weeks of focused healing
Functional Integration is an individual treatment of hands-on gentle manipulation focused on your specific needs and requirements.
I work with your entire body not just the part that’s causing you pain. Why? Because your body is connected, you know…the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone, etc. It may actually be somewhere else in your body that the problem initiates; you are one body, one system, one skeleton not a bad knee, shoulder or back.
Some of the benefits of Functional Integration:
- Relief from muscle and joint pain, including; discomfort in your back, neck, head, shoulders, hips, knees, feet, hands, pelvis, and jaw.
- Improved flexibility and quality of movement.
- Improved posture.
- Faster recovery from injury and surgery.
- Better stability and balance.
- Reduced stress and anxiety.
- Greater ease in all your physical activities.
- Healthy aging and brain fitness
- Improved relaxation and sleep.
What does a session look like?
Functional Integration sessions are done completely clothed. We start with a movement evaluation. We begin by talking about what you’re dealing with now and your goals; and then I look to see how the way you’re moving may be hindering you. I then design your movement session to address your needs.
I will probably ask you to lie on a low padded table (or sometimes to sit or possibly even stand) while we begin to explore the ways in which you can already move easily and the ways in which you tighten yourself away from ease and comfort.
When you lie on the table it’s in any position that’s the most comfortable. Your comfort is very important in this work. From there I begin to move you gently, exploring the ways in which you move easily and pain-free, and where you don’t. None of this should increase your pain and I check in with you to make sure. It’s not a grin and bear it situation at all. When the movement feels comfortable your body starts to relax and your body is open to healing.
At the end of the session I’ll ask you to walk and notice how you feel and what feels different. I then share w/ you what I see that’s changed.
As we continue to work together in a series of sessions the goal is for you to feel better and get out of chronic pain. Plus if you injure yourself again, you have the awareness and knowledge to get yourself back on track.
Initial session and evaluation:
The session and subsequent sessions lasts about 60 minutes.
At the end of our first session, I share with you my impressions of how many sessions would be best for your healing. I have found from my years of experience that a series of sessions done once a week or twice a week works best to bring about real change.
The 6 Week Healing Program
2 important elements in one program
- 6 individual hands-on treatments
- Exercises (1 per week) to do at home in support of the session.
Cost: $850
Please wear clothing that will not restrict your movement.
Redwood City, CA
To make an appointment:
Call 650-679-8113
or contact me using the form below
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