After meditating this morning I was aware of a message to myself: “Here’s to a day of imperfection! I identify as a perfectionist. Allowing myself to be imperfect gives me the space to just be from a spaciousness. This simple subtle thing allows so much more potential to come through.
Can you identify with any of this?
It works the same way when you’re in pain, which one could view as an imperfect place to be. Allowing for that imperfection in yourself allows for the resources in the universe to help you out.
Just the same way in Awareness Through Movement (the group work in Feldenkrais) noticing what’s there, pain for example, allows that pain to come more fully into your awareness and gives it the space to move on, i.e. not be stuck in your idea that it shouldn’t be there and neurologically allows for the pathways in your brain to become unstuck from that pattern.
And heck, I need to remind myself all day that this is a day of imperfection. I forget. It’s all a process.
I invite you to allow yourself a day of imperfection and see what happens and I’d love to hear what you experience.
Want some support?
Check out my Awareness Through Movement series staring at the end of September. Delve into movement sequences in an attentive and being with it as it is way, with my guidance and support.
Nice post Debbie! A great reminder to many of us.